The available facilities are
- Noble Liquid Test Facility
- Charged Particle Beam Facilities
- Neutrino Beam Facilities
Noble Liquid Test Facility
Scheduling use of Tall Bo, Blanche, Luke/Materials Test Stand, Iceberg
Experiments in TallBo, Blanche, Luke, and/or Iceberg are scheduled through the Liquid Noble Test Facility coordinator. Please contact Flor de Maria Blaszczyk and provide the following information:
- Provide some description of the test specifying which cryostat will be used.
- Indicate when the test will take place, for how long, and/or if there are any strict time constraints.
- If possible, have an idea of what kind of support your test will require: engineering, mechanical technician, electrical technician, etc.
Once received, the coordinator will follow up with additional questions and instructions about the next step. If you have a general inquiry about any of these test stands you may also email your question directly to the Neutrino Division R&D Coordinator.
More information about the test stands can be found here.
Charged Particle Beam Facilities
Scheduling use of the LArIAT Enclosure
The LArIAT enclosure is scheduled through the Fermilab Test Beam Facility.
Neutrino Beam Facilities
SciBooNE, MINOS Underground
Please contact Steve Hahn (for MINOS Underground) or Carrie McGivern (for SciBooNE) about reserving time and space in the neutrino beam areas.